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What's Your Time Zone?

Crystal H.

How many of you know what time zone you are in? Sounds like a dumb question, huh. Well, I’m sure you’re very well aware of what time zone you are in, and I’m sure you have been living in your specific time zone for a while now. So, I guess you’re wondering why I would ask such an obvious question. I’m glad you asked. In the U.S. there are several time zones and they include: Pacific Time, Mountain Time, Central Time, and Eastern Time. There’s even something called universal time, which is the time it takes the Earth to completely rotate around the sun. Because of the Earths slow rotation, universal time is actually a little longer than 24 hours according to In my research I also discovered that every day, according to universal time, may have a different length of time, although they only differ by a matter of seconds. Pretty interesting huh? No matter what time zone you are in or decide to go by there will always be another time associated with the very time you are using. Therefore, no time is definite. It could be morning for me right now, but it could be night for someone else in another part of the world. So, what does this have to do with your singleness? Keep reading and you will soon find out.

During my single journey, I began to think time was not on my side. I waited day after day, month after month, year after year for my husband to arrive. It seemed like I prayed relentlessly about meeting my husband and the longer I had to wait the more anxious I grew. The main concern I had was trying to figure out when my husband would arrive and when would my time to be married finally come around. My prayers would even include time frames based on my personal time. I didn’t want to wait any more. I wanted what I wanted, and I wanted it now. As time went on the more frustrated I became. All I wanted to know was what would it take for my time to actually come to pass. Eventually I discovered what was wrong with my timing. I had it all wrong and the answer was simple; I was in the wrong time zone. My focus was so set on the clock in front of me that I had totally forgotten to consider the most important time of all, God’s Time.

If you find yourself struggling with trying to understand why your time to be married has not come yet, then I think one of the most important things for you to first understand is what the bible says about God’s timing. Understanding God’s time and how He operates in time will help you understand where you are in your singleness, and it will also give you hope and assurance to keep waiting.

2 Peter 3: 9 states, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” This scripture is clearly speaking on how the Lord is not slow, but He is patient. Just like he is patient with us to turn from our wicked ways and surrender our lives to Him, He is also patient with us to get in the proper position that gets us ready for a husband. We think we are waiting on God and that He is too slow, but in actuality He is waiting on us. He is waiting for us to acknowledge that our relationship with Him is the most valuable relationship we will ever have. He is waiting on us to surrender to His will for our love life. He is still waiting on us to repent from fornication and lust. He is waiting patiently, for you. Trust me we don’t know it all, like we think we do. We have to trust that God knows what’s best for us, which means He knows when we are really ready for a holy marriage that will bring honor to His name.

Another interesting point I want to make is that God doesn’t view time in the same manner we do. For instance, in 2 Peter 3:8 Peter mentions how a day is like a thousand years to God and a thousand years are like a day. As you see, God’s time is totally different than ours. He is not looking at time as seconds and minutes in a day like we do. He is on His own time not ours. His thoughts are not our thoughts and our ways are not His ways. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55: 8-9). Imagine if God showed you your future and He showed you clearly that you and your husband were going to meet on January 31, 2018. You would immediately quit stressing and would just anxiously wait for that day to arrive. The only difference with this scenario and your actual situation is that the date is still a secret. Sometimes you have to see yourself in your future, so visualize your future husband with a date of arrival. Now all you have to do is be grateful, trust God at His word, and put a praise on your blessing in advance. I also want you to view this scenario from the other side, the Lords side. If he is all knowing and knows every single detail of your life, why would He feel the need to respond to your imperfect time when His perfect time has already been applied to your situation. His promise to you already has a date attached to it. Visualize that and believe it!

This reminds me of a situation I experienced while waiting for my husband to propose to me. We had discussed our future together and knew without any hesitation or doubt that we were meant to be. So, the promise to get engaged was set in place, but I didn’t know the date. We began looking at rings and talking about our future wedding. The only thing I kept waiting on was the actual engagement. Like you, who are waiting for a husband, I waited for a proposal. My husband kept telling me it’s going to happen and not to worry, but every time I thought it should happen or whenever I thought the time was just right, it didn’t happen! I started to get discouraged during the waiting process. I never doubted the fact that it was going to actually happen, but I was getting tired of waiting for my husband’s promise to come to pass. I wanted it now. No matter how I tried to pry the date out of my husband or tried to speed up the promise he would always respond by telling me it was going to happen, I just needed to be patient. Doesn’t this sound familiar? God has probably been telling you the same thing about your husband, but you keep trying to rush the date He has already picked out for you.

After waiting for about 3 months the day finally came. I got engaged! What made this day so remarkable was how my husband put so much thought and effort into every detail of the day to make it one of the most spectacular days of my life. My husband had planned a very well thought out engagement that left me speechless and in awe (watch our engagement video in the about section). Not only did he manage to arrange a proposal in another city, but he collaborated with a saxophonist, photographer, and videographer to bring the proposal together. He also had a dozen roses that were put in place and a personalized T-shirt made for the saxophonist to wear during his musical serenade. It took preparation, dedication, hard work, and time to pull off such a marvelous surprise. The kind of proposal I had been waiting on was not just an ordinary proposal and it had to be planned. It was going to take some time. This is also how our Heavenly Father is orchestrating the perfect husband for you and getting him in place for that divine moment in time where everything lines up just right for you and him to cross paths. Remember, it takes time.

The truth behind the proposal was that my husband already had a date picked out all along. So even though I wanted the proposal to occur on my time, the date was already set in place and there was nothing I could do to change it. He had made arrangements with other people to make the day a success so he couldn’t just cancel his beautiful well thought out plan because I was being a cry baby. Instead my husband knew me well enough to know that the proposal he was planning would make me the happiest girl in the world. He knew what was best for me and time was not an issue for him because he could see the reward attached to his plan. God is also saying the same about your situation. He’s not going to redirect His perfect plan for you just because you want it now or because you are tired of waiting. The date has been set and there are certain things already lined up to make things work out for you. We always pray, “Lord let your will be done”, but do we really mean it? By asking the Lord to let His will be done means you acknowledge Him as the director of your life and you are allowing Him to make the plans, not you. So, if you agree to let His will be done, then let His will be done.

Another factor that played a role in the reason why I had to wait for our engagement was my husband had to prepare to speak to my father. He wanted to make sure they had a good bond and understanding so my father could give his blessing for my hand in marriage with peace in his heart. This also took time. If you haven’t seen the pattern here, the point I’m trying to drive home with this story is that my husband had a promise he made to me and the promise took time and it wasn’t based off my time. In the end, the promise came! Just like God has made you a promise, it too will come to pass! Although, I wanted the proposal to happen on my time there was nothing I could do to change the date that was already preordained. That date was already set in stone by my husband and before my husband ordained it, it was ordained by God. My husband made me wait, because he wanted the proposal to exceed my expectations and he wanted it to be perfect, and this is how the Lord wants your husband to be. He wants him to exceed your expectations. No eyes have seen, no hears have heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love Him (I Corinthians 2:9). So many factors went into the proposal date, and this is also true about your husband. God is not preparing something ordinary for you, but something extra ordinary and it takes some time to set things up just right for you. So please stay encouraged my friend! Just like my engagement finally came, so will your husband. God is not slow, he is strategically placing the right factors in the right place. It’s time that we recognize who holds time in His hands. It’s not our time, but It’s God’s time.

There are many instances in the bible that show how God will show up and show out when His set time has arrived. Galatians 4:4 states, “But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law…” In Genesis 21:2 it says, “Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.” Lastly, Ecclesiastes 3:11 states, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart…” The bible offers scriptures that show how things manifest when Gods timing is fulfilled. Sometimes it takes time to get to the set time God has prepared for us, but when we get to that point in time we are greatly rewarded with the very thing we’ve been praying and waiting for. I promise you it is so worth the wait. What God has for you is for you and nothing can take that away from you. You matter to God and He rewards those who are obedient and who diligently seek Him.

Don’t waiver in your faith. If He promised you a husband, then you better believe it, you will have a husband! Your appointed time to meet him just hasn’t come yet. In the meantime, while you wait keep your focus on God and spend time with Him. That is the only way to discern His voice. Let go of the time you have been holding on to. The time zone you need to be in is a supernatural place. You may live in Central Time zone, but supernaturally you are in Gods time zone. When you surrender to Gods will and when you trust Him in every area of your life, things are bound to happen. So, keep your head up and if necessary switch your time zone without delay.


If He did it for me, He will do it for you

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